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Below are some transformative ideas I have been exposed to via Twitter. I cannot attribute them all, as some are from as long as 2-3 years ago.
They have been rolling around in my brain, as I attempt to imagine what that would look like.
1. If you can Google it, out with it.
Should we be asking kids questions, when a simple Google search will give them the answer? Where does that fit on Bloom's Taxonomy?
2. If the teacher knows it, out with it.
This is an intriguing idea. Teacher is learner. I read on Twitter recently where a teacher was told by her students that they most enjoyed learning WITH their teacher.
3. What if learning at school was like learning on
Twitter? - Tom Whitby.
To imagine this is mind-boggling. Chaotic, passion-based learning. Tom's post on this makes for mind-stretching thought.
4. Superintendents, Principals and Curriculum Directors promote a joy of teaching and learning rather than adopting a content coverage mentality. - Eric Williams.
Love it. I have detested the word "coverage" from Day 1. How does a "content coverage mentality" reconcile the explosion of the information/access age. It doesn't!
5. You - teachers and administrators - are each responsible for your own individual Professional Development. No more whining. No more victims.
Speaking of reconciling, let's try these:
"I am a life-long learner. I want my students to own and be responsible for their own learning."
"That inservice was terrible. I learned nothing. It did not apply to me. I could have better spent my time working in my room. When are they going to do something that is meaningful for me, that I can take back in my classroom and use right away?"
Really? Come on.
These are good thoughts Mark. A thought as to your first point on the list "If you can google it, out with it."
ReplyDeleteAt first glance, it is "out with fact-finding." That is not to say, do not send children out to learn information or facts about a particular topic of study (mitosis, ancient greece, etc.). It is boring, and develops little skill in students. Agreed.
Those facts can be learned when they are needed to answer a critical question, a question that requires judgement, a question that could not be answered by the internet (eg. the difference between "what contributions did Ancient Greek civilization give to the world vs. What are the top 3 contributions from Ancient Greek civilization." One is a listing, a fact-finding task, the other introduces judgement, requires criteria for what would qualify as a significant contribution, etc.).
Find the facts along the way...
And despite my own emphasis in my classroom on historical/critical thinking. I certainly hope students will learn some facts. They may fade away, and my students may fail the "Am I smarter than a grade 10 social studies student" when they are middle aged, but if they do remember, their world is enhanced. As Aaron Copeland stated, "Knowledge enhances enjoyment." -